All sales work on Solana network. 
The Art of Field Recording: 505 ARTS 
Mint Price - 2 SOL
WL Price - 0.8 SOL
Mic The Art ("2nd layer ecosystem" NFT collection): 515 ARTS
Mint Price - 0.4 SOL
WL Price - 0.2 SOL

Have fun. 


ave planet EarTH. 

10% of sales will go to charity. 


Phase I 

- Pre-launch. 

 - Start building The Art of Field Recording community 

- Twitter community growing  

- Discord community growing  

Phase II 

- Date of whitelist minting  (50 tickets/ Price = 0.8 SOL with Sound Recording Token)- Date of public minting (Other 455 Arts/ Price = 2 SOL)

- Adding to all calendars

- Preparing whitelist (lotteries, giveaways, community activity in discord, twitter and etc.) 

- Whitelist minting 50 arts - Discount Price = 0.8 SOL

- Project Tokenomic

- The Art of Field Recording and Fun-collections NFT's Staking (

Phase III 

- Other 455 arts public minting (Price= 2 SOL)

Phase IV

- Listing on secondary marketplaces  (Magic Eden, Opensea, Solsea)

- Tokenomic Vesting (Mean Finance DeFi Protocol)

- "Mic The Art" NFT collection minting:

50 nft's whitelist minting (Price = 0.2 SOL)

Other 465 nft's minting (Price = 0.4 SOL)

- "Mic The Art" Staking

- $SREC AirDrop for "The Art of Field Recording" and "Mic The Art" NFT Holders (575k $SREC~400$ each nft)

- "Sound Family DAO" creating (430k SREC needs for membership)

Phase V:

- Sound Effects Libraries Market for $SREC tokens.

Phase VI

- Field Recording App for relaxation, clear mind and better sleep! 
A huge number of pleasant and relaxing sounds, listen to them and take care of your inner world and about our surrounding world too! 

Users can earn Sound Recording coins (SREC) for listening the sounds and make money. 

Owners of nft's "The Art of Field Recording", "Mic The Art" will receive privileges and can earn more tokens.


- Phase VII

- Sound Family DAO Record Label Creating
- Creating the app for listening label's releases and making money